
Who doesn’t love Christmas? You get to see your family, hopefully peacefully and with loads of presents from your wishlist. Nothing is working. No one is bothering you with text messages and you just update your social media every now and then from under the table. 

I hate Christmas. I hate not being able to go somewhere else during any festive period and as a cherry on the cake, I have essays and deadlines, which I cannot concentrate on, because it’s Christmas. I don’t get to see my family for a variety of reasons. But thanks to my friends, they all do their best to be there for me and someone even invited me to their home, so that I am not alone. I was given loads of presents too. 

But me being me I cannot help, but be a sad horse. 1) I cannot get out and live my life as I normally do, so I have to sit down and think about every single issue I am facing instead of doing my essays 2) I feel like me moaning about my situation is simply killing the vibe of all those who try to support me, but just want to enjoy their Christmas, which I understand  3) I always catch myself being either too stressed out about work or too stressed out about nothing happening in my life that I can share with others (where’s the middle stage?!)

So I am grateful to all those who get “how are you” message and random updates from me about what food I ate every 5 minutes. And merry (if you can) Christmas to all those who are alone or simply don’t enjoy this season. I’m just waiting for the time to pass, but as a great book I received for Christmas says “Don’t count the days… Make the days count” 

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